Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lia's Amazing Spaghetti Sauce

The Approved Spaghetti

2 lbs ground beef
3/4 lb. sausage
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 med. onions, minced
2/3 C olive oil
4 16-oz. cans tomatoes
4 6-oz. cans tomato paste–1/2 to 1 C water
4 T sugar
1 T salt
½ tsp pepper
4 Bay leaves
1 T oregano
2 T basil
½ tsp marjoram
1 tsp sage
3 T Worcestershire sauce
¼ cup parsley

Brown meat with garlic and onions
Add remaining ingredients
simmer for several hours (it’s easier in a crockpot) –be sure to stir hourly

Lia's notes: It makes a ton, and it's so nice to freeze in smaller bags and use later. You can make it in a crock pot or simmer it for a long time on the stove, even overnight. You don't actually have to stir it every hour like it says. And I usually go easier on the olive oil than it says, although with Mom's lovely extra virgin olive oil that she gave us, it sure has nice flavor.

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